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Emigration Isle is a web documentary illustrating pivotal periods of Irish emigration over the past 200 years, through specific emigrant’s stories. The project differs from the traditional form of a video documentary in that it applies a full complement of multimedia tools to create an interactive storyline. Emigration Isle is a web-based thesis that combines  elements of photography, video, audio, text, animation and infographics to create a non-linear story that answers the questions:


  • WHO left Ireland? 
  • WHEN did they leave?
  • WHAT did they bring?
  • WHERE did they go?
  • HOW did they get there?
  • WHY did they leave?

This is just the start of our work. To learn more or discuss possible work >>



What is a web documentary? |01


A web documentary, sometimes referred to as an interactive or multimedia documentary, is a production that differs from the traditional forms of video, audio and photographic documentaries.  A web doc using a full range of multimedia capabilities paired with the internet to create a unique, non-linear production.



How will we do it? |03


​Using tools such as Photoshop, Illustrator, and Dreamweaver we will create the look and functionality of the documentary.  All of the information is either collected through archived information, or direct contact with emigrants themselves!

Who will we feature? |02


​Emigration Isle's earliest emigrant story is from 1813, and its most recent is a present day emigrant.  Therefore the documentary covers roughly 200 years of Irish history.  We aim to feature emigrants from as many eras as possible who have powerful stories to tell.



Why will we do it? |04


Throughout 2013, Ireland will hold a year-long celebration of Irish heritage in what has been dubbed The Gathering. This event will act as a global Irish homecoming that anticipates up to 325,000 visitors into Ireland. We hope that Emigration Isle will help Irish nationals and visitors alike who are interested in retracing the history of Irish emigration and learning more.  ​





When will it launch? |05


The Gathering is the platform for our documentary, and we plan to launch Emigration Isle in conjunction with the event on its official launch next year, 2013.



Where can I see it? |06


Watch this space!!

A web documentary on 200 years of Irish Emigration

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